Dear Kindergarten Parents, We will have an on campus field trip program today, which ties nicely with our science unit on animal studies and observations. Marla the Mermaid is a trained professional who teaches an interpretative outreach program from the City of Ventura. She will introduce marine animals using puppets and songs to convey information and […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Homework for this week: Read every night and list books on the reading / web log. Print practice — have your child practice their first and last name in correct letter case. We are working hard on those lower case letters in class! Math practice paper ordering numbers a cut and paste […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, I hope everyone had a nice long restful weekend! We have an exciting week ahead of us. We are doing well with our daily routines, small group learning, and following class schedules. Livia, Joshua, Alexis, Jiang, and Mikaella will be celebrating their birthdays this month! This Wednesday we will have a free […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, I want to thank all who were able to come to our annual At Back to School Night. Homework for this upcoming week is the My “Me” Cube along with the reading / web log. I have several cubes left, if you did not pick one up last night, please send me […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, This week on Wednesday-please set aside time for our Back-to-School Night. It starts at 6:30 t0 8:00. It is a night for parents to come visit our classroom and learn what is going on in Kindergarten this school year. Our academics this week include looking at all God created. And we are […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Homework is posted Friday, due on Thursday the following week. Please print out reading/web log, math and language arts worksheets. Look for a RED Homework folder coming home on Monday. Send back all papers on Thursday in this folder. Reading / Web Log Language Arts Read nightly and record books on reading/web […]
Amazing things are growing in the Kindergarten backyard! Your kindergarten students made quite a discovery during lunch on Monday. Now only 3 days later we do not need the magnifying lenses to see tiny Monarch caterpillars! Monarch larvae appear to feed exclusively on milkweed plants.
Dear Kindergarten Families, Here we go the beginning of a full week! Your children will be in school all day everyday this week. Dismissal is at 2:45. Please note your child will need a snack and a lunch this week. If you are interested in the hot lunch program, it starts next week and the […]
Welcome Kindergarten Families, It was nice to see so many families able to come to orientation last Tuesday! Our new kindergarten students were ready to meet each other and see our classroom. We talked about our summer, listened to a story and had time to play on the playground. If you were unable to come, […]
We have been learning our SLE’s with daily reflection and writing in our journals. A few samples of their wonderful work! We love the beautiful world God gave us. 8th grade graduation …… big topic in Kindergarten today!