Dear Kindergarten Families, This week we begin the third trimester of school. Amazing how time flies when you are having fun!! Your children are doing a great job. We had fun Friday for centers and the beginning of Read Across America. Thank you Eighth Graders for that special treat honoring Dr. Seuss’ birthday! Lent begins […]
Every Thursday the 8th grade class reads the upcoming Sunday gospel. We discuss ways to incorporate the gospel into our everyday lives (SLE A4). After thoughtful discussion each students reflects on ways they can utilize Jesus’s message in their family setting, sports teams, and school. This week we listed ways we can bear good fruit […]
Dear Kindergarten families, In honor of Dr. Seuss let’s do a lot of reading this month! Choose one book to report on. The book responses from last were better than ever! Your children are doing a fantastic job. 🙂 Look for the math worksheets and the book response form in your child’s red folder. This […]
Dear Kindergarten families, A little late in publishing …. amazing it is the last day of February! This Friday is Primary Centers and a half day. If you completed the Virtus Training and would like to help on Friday please let me know. Our religion lessons follow last weeks standard explaining forgiveness and what it […]
Homework Fluency Homework Math IXL C.4 and G.2 Language IXL V.1 and Z.1 Reading Log Practice Sight word booklet daily New Spelling Words for all: Spelling Test will be on Monday due to Primary Centers on Friday. Note From Mrs. Vazquez: It was great to see so many of you at our School Fair! The […]
Third grade families, We are reaching the end of February! Time is flying by in third grade…this Friday marks the end of our second trimester. We have a full academic week planned up ahead. Important Dates: Friday, March 1stis a half day and school wide centers Homework this week: 100 minutes of reading and logged […]
Dear Fourth Grade Families, Here’s our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are beginning Unit 7 this week. We are working on fraction review and probability this week ELA: -Writing: We have started work on our Palmisano essays! -Reading: We are continuing our Reading Responses. Remember nightly homework is to read 20-30 minutes! In class we […]
The 8th grade class is studying the westward expansion of the United States. Part of the study includes examining the impact on Native Americans. Using primary source documents we read about the harrowing experience of a young boy and a soldier on the forced migration of different native tribes. The students then illustrated pictures capturing […]
Dear Families, This Friday is a noon dismissal. This Friday is also the end of the second trimester. We have school wide centers on Friday. Below please see an overview of our week: Math: This week we are providing experiences with data presented in line plots and stem and leaf plots. Social Studies: We will […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Take your shoes off, relax and read a good book! Recommended reading time is 20 minutes each night. Don’t forget to stop and retell a fun story putting events in order. When reading informational texts recall and list the facts! In your child’s red homework folder you will find three worksheets. Each […]