Dear Kindergarten Families, We celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday in March with extra reading and rhyming. After reading a good book together, have your student do their best work on the Story Map. We always enjoy sharing our stories in class! Story Map Today we read last week’s research on mammoths. Bravo! Your children did a […]
The 6th grade students hosted their 1st grade buddies today for an exciting trip to Greece. The students created posters and researched information on Santorini, ancient Greek gods, Greek food, artifacts, geography, and a stop in Athens. Then the 6th graders gave their buddies souvenir pots that each student created for them. Everyone had a […]
Dearest Third Grade Families, We continue to do our very best every day. Between the Palmisano Writing Contest, preparations for the upcoming School Fair, weekly Stations of the Cross, various class projects and our regular studies, we are busy bees! As a reminder, Wednesday is a free dress day. Participating students should bring $1 (or […]
Dear Parents, February 26, 2018 Here’s what we are doing in first grade… Language Arts: We have a lot going on in phonics this week! We are looking at the long /i/ sound spelled “ie” and “igh”. In addition we are also looking at the /oo/ sound as in “moon”. This /oo/ sound has […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, This week will bring us a new month! Your children would enjoy their own 12 count of erasable colored pencils and a new box of crayons – a 24 count fits nicely in our baskets. Please look for the special Family Envelope on Tuesday. Your child’s Completed Work folder is coming home […]
This Wednesday is a free dress day ($1 donation). We will be going to Olivas Adobe on Thursday, March 1st. Students should wear school sweatshirts or jackets, as we will be outside the entire morning. If possible, send your child to school with an old towel. Please return the permission form and payment by Wednesday. […]
Dear Second Grade Families, We are busy this week with Reconciliation, Library, Stations of the Cross and a few tests. I hope to see you on Wednesday. Homework: NO IXL: I sent home math review worksheets. Students will be taking their math test on Friday. Fluency Reading Log IN THE SECOND GRADE CLASSROOM… RELIGION: We […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Continue reading nightly and for the last days of February record on the Book-it log. Recommended reading is 20 minutes each night. Please sign the log, have your child print their name as well. Forms are due next week on Thursday. Phonics papers – beginning and ending sounds beginning:ending sounds Research paper […]
In fourth grade we are learning about earthquakes and volcanoes, and how they change the surface of the earth. Today we made models of volcanoes, and the results were EXPLOSIVE! Here are some before and after eruption photos.
Hello Third Grade Families, Happy President’s Day! I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend and was able to find some time to relax among family and friends. Math: We continue forth through Unit 6: Geometry, now turning our attention toward drawing and measuring angles. The students will use their knowledge of clockwise and counter-clockwise turns (full, half […]