Happy Fall Giacolone Families! It is hard to believe it is officially Fall!! We are blessed to live in such a beautiful place with wonderful weather. We enjoyed our virtual visit from author, Shannon Olsen! Upcoming Events and Information: We will be having Primary Centers this Friday, September 30th! If you are available to volunteer […]
Dear Families, We have been working hard in 5th grade making connections across our curriculum. The students love to make connections to our books. Please see below for an overview of our week Religion: Chapter 2, Jesus Celebrates the Sacraments Math: We will develop estimation strategies when finding an exact answer is impractical. Science: Plant […]
The 8th grade class is learning about the American Revolution. Part of our study this fall is to understand the U. S. Constitution and how the branches of government work. With our wonderful computer lab the class will spend time weekly on the Icivcs website playing very interactive games such as Do I have a […]
Hello 4th Grade Families! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Important Dates: Friday, September 30: 12pm Dismissal Wednesday, October 5: Picture Day Homework: Reading: Read 20-30 minutes a night 5 Fiction Reading Responses for the week (Tuesday-Tuesday) Students will receive a new “menu” for the week. They can choose to respond to the […]
Third grade families, Happy Fall! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Important Dates Tuesday, September 27: Art & first trip to the library! Friday, September 30: Noon dismissal Weekly Homework (Due October 4th) IXL math:—A.11 Order Numbers—B.1: Place Value Models Up To Thousands Fluency 20 minutes of reading, 5x a week 5 READO […]
Hello Kindergarten Families! We are doing a great job in school. Lots to learn everyday 🙂 and we are making steady progress. Academics Religion – Chapter 4 God’s World is Good our wonderful world and all the good around us. A moment with Jesus: how can we help take care of the world. Part of […]
The 8th grade celebrated Constitution Day with a presentation to each grade. They performed a rap song explaining what the Constitution does for our nation and added a few extra facts. Next they had each student electronically sign the Constitution. All this week in our history class we will discuss the big ideas in the […]
Hello Giacolone Families 🙂 We have had a wonderful start to this school year! I enjoyed Back to School Night…and I sincerely appreciated everyone’s patience and kindness! I have answers to the questions asked that night. We will have spelling tests on Fridays starting next week (9/30). We will be going on field trips (possibly […]
4th Grade Families, Happy Monday! It was great to meet many of you this last week at Back to School Night. Thank you for coming into our classroom and seeing where we learn! Welcome to the first 4th grade newsletter of the school year! Newsletters will be posted each week to highlight important dates, homework, […]
Hello Families! Special news: Week of September 19th Homework: Will be sent home tomorrow in the green “Homework” folder. Due the following Tuesday! Virtual guest: Our first guest! A favorite author, Shannon Olsen will come from her home on Zoom to speak about writing and her book we read at the beginning of the year. She will […]