Thursday we celebrated Mary’s birthday. Later we worked on a card for our Blessed Mother. Here are a few samples of their beautiful work:
The 8th grade class will spend the year studying the life of Jesus through the 4 Gospel writers. First we are comparing their writing style, audience, and theme. Then we will read the upcoming Sunday’s gospel on Thursday and discuss how it applies to our life and actions. The goal is to truly incorporate the […]
In 2015 Pope Francis declared September 1 Care of Creation Day. He encourages to pray for our mother earth and sister moon and brother moon. This prayer and celebration continues through October 4 which is St. Francis of Assisi feast day. The 8th grade crafted a nature scene using pipe cleaners. The 7th grade worked […]
Welcome to today’s graduation. It is a special day – for the graduates, for their proud parents and grandparents, and for their teachers. Today is one of those great occasions when we get to celebrate our young people – their achievements, their perseverance, and their successes as they grow. Graduation is seen as an official […]
The school day starts at the regular time but with no recess or lunch. This is a Noon Dismissal Day for everyone. AND THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! The graduates tour the K-7 classrooms for a final visit before Mass. The Graduation Mass & Awards Presentation begins at 10a. The Graduates are seated in the […]
Here’s to a great 2021-22 school year! We learned a lot this past year. It’s hard to believe that this week we are cleaning out our desks and writing about our second grade memories. During the summer break, continue to read, practice math facts, and practice printing. However, take time to get outside and enjoy […]
Dear Kindergarten families, We have had a wonderful year! Started on campus, made friends and learned a lot!I feel blessed you have entrusted me with your children. Check our website for summer homework coming near end of June. Keep their brain stimulated!! Always set aside time to read to and with your children. Hope all […]
Welcome to the last few days of 4th Grade! Here’s our short week in 4th grade… We will be playing math games, enjoying some almost summertime arts and crafts, seeing our buddies, and beginning to clean out our desks and classroom. There will not be any homework this week. I do ask that students bring their backpacks […]
Following the final assembly, we all move to the patio area, courts, and field to have more graduation events and a dance. Our DJ happily returns after a two year lay-off and is excited to host the Graduation Celebration and End of the School Year Dance for all grades K-8, their families, guests, and the […]
Following the SHS Theater Presentation, the afternoon celebration continues with the final assembly of the school year. After leading assemblies all school year, the 8th grade students lead their last. Following prayer and the flag salute, June and July birthdays are noted, next year’s Core Leaders are introduced, and students with Perfect Attendance are recognized. […]