This week and next we will be incorporating Christmas fun in addition to our academics. ‘Tis the season to be jolly! ACADEMICS Reading: We are learning how to connect information from different nonfiction books on the same topic. Phonics: We continue reviewing Phonological Awareness by focusing on listening for and reading words with long and […]
Third grade families, Another busy week as we quickly approach Christmas! Remember, our SHC Food Pantry continues! If you’d like to donate canned goods, we have red bins alongside our car line every morning! Important Dates Tuesday, December 7: Family envelopes & progress reports delivered Wednesday, December 8: $1 free dress day! Friday, December 10: […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are still working on Unit 4 and still working on those decimals. This week we focus on adding and subtracting decimals. ELA: -Writing: We are beginning our second unit of study– opinion writing. -Reading: We will begin our nonfiction unit within the next week. We are writing 7 sentences […]
The 6th grade is completing their studies of Mesopotamia. Part of the journey is learning about the daily life of the people and their culture. Gilgamesh is a tale about a king, a hero with plenty of exciting adventure. We also learned about Sumerian gods and added them to our stories. Each tale is exciting […]
First Grade Families- It was great to see everyone return with some great family memories to share with the class. December is upon us…we have a few weeks to continue with our academic progress and a little fun here and there. Weekly Homework Homework due EVERY Tuesday. Reading Challenge: This week we have a comprehension […]
I hope everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving with family and friends. We have a lot to accomplish in the next three weeks as we prepare for Christmas. ACADEMICS Reading: We are learning how to reread like expert nonfiction readers and we are learning how to teach others by using the lingo in our nonfiction books. […]
Third grade families, I hope you all had a wonderful and restful Thanksgiving with family and loved ones. I can’t believe that our second trimester has begun! I am so proud of the hard work our third graders show everyday! Today your children went home with paper bags. Those bags are for our SHC Food […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are beginning Unit 4. This week we will look at decimals! ELA: -Writing: We are hoping to begin our second unit in writing this week – opinion writing! -Reading: We are finishing up a read aloud book in class before we move on to our next unit. We are […]
The last two days our Eighth grade leaders were great examples to Kindergarten. They helped Kinder kids understand the gifts of God through the Holy Spirit. Please look at some samples of their work!
With a short week in preparation of the Thanksgiving holiday, our academics will focus on “thankful” activities and learning about the first Thanksgiving. HOMEWORK NO HOMEWORK – Enjoy time with your family! ACADEMICS Reading: We are learning how to use different reading strategies to decode the tricky keywords in our nonfiction books. Phonics: We continue […]