Dear Families, It was wonderful seeing so many families at Parent Day. This week is Catholic Schools Week. Tuesday is staff appreciation day. Wednesday is student appreciation day and free dress for students. For student appreciation we will not have any homework this week. Mrs. Benner will be providing lunch for all on Wednesday. This […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are continuing to work on Unit 6 this week. We will be working on division strategies this week- mainly the partial-quotients algorithm! ELA: -Writing: We are working on forming ideas and opinions that matter to us. -Reading: Reading Responses are due each week. This week we look at nonfiction […]
Third grade families, It was wonderful seeing so many of you at Parent’s Day! Thank you for joining us for a fun morning! Important Dates- Catholic Schools Week! Tuesday, Jan 28th– staff appreciation day Wednesday, Jan 29th-student appreciation day & free, free dress! Mrs. Benner will treat all students to a hamburger lunch. If your […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Parents Day was fun, and the start of Catholic Schools Week. Thank you for coming and sharing our morning. We celebrate Catholic Schools Week with focus on Learning, Serving, Leading and Succeeding. We show appreciation to our parish priests, students, teachers and all our school staff. We are also celebrating Joaquin’s birthday […]
On Friday we had many parents visit the middle school classrooms with their children. In history class the 6th and 7th grade are studying different Ancient China dynasties. So the 6th grade worked on a geography activity about the Forbidden City while enjoying a fortune cookie. The 7th grade enjoyed making different pictures using the […]
Hello Second Grade Families, Happy 100th Day! I look forward to seeing everyone Friday morning for Parent’s Day! Our class will be working together on an art project. Plan to meet us in the church for 8:30 mass so that we may begin the day together. Math: The first half of this week was devoted […]
Learning about MLK Jr. brought many things to mind with Kindergarten. They learned about his dream of peace, equality and that treatment of others was not always good. A big word discrimination with 5 syllables and much more. Here are a few samples of their work. They are fantastic!
First Grade Families- We have a short but busy week since Thursday will be out 100th day of school! We will be doing some fun 100th-day activities. This week is the start of Catholic Schools Week. Friday will be Parents Day! I hope everyone is able to attend this special day on January 24th from […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are beginning Unit 6 this week. We will be working on multiplication and division this week! ELA: -Writing: We are working on our opinion writing as we start to gather more topic ideas and begin writing. -Reading: Reading Responses are due each week. This week we look at fiction […]
Dear Families, I hope you enjoyed the long weekend. This is a short week for us. Friday is Parents’ Day and a noon dismissal . Please join us for Mass at 8:30. Below please see an overview of the week: Math: We are comparing and ordering fractions. Science: We are taking our chapter test on […]