The 7th grade class is beginning their religion studies this year with examining the life of Jesus. The goal is to understand Him as both divine and human and to improve our friendship with Him.
NOTE FROM MRS. VAZQUEZ: This week will be short but busy academically. I can’t wait to see all our grandparents or special guests on Friday. We begin our Grandparent’s/Special Guest day in church on Friday morning. HOMEWORK Reading Log only & Math IXL Math IXL: A.6, A.7 and A.8 Homework should be completed by Tuesday […]
Hello Second Grade Families, Happy Labor Day! I hope everyone enjoyed some sunshine and relaxation over the long weekend. While short, this week will be a busy one. Tomorrow is picture day (say cheese!) and Friday is Grandparent’s Day (welcome!) here at school. Math: In math, we continue to review skills and concepts thought the […]
Dear Kindergarten families, A busy short week ahead! Tomorrow is picture day- please have your children dress in school uniform. Bring in picture envelope tomorrow morning or follow directions to order online click on link for directions Friday is Grandparents Day with a noon dismissal. Please discuss with your child who will be attending this […]
Third grade families, Happy September! We continue to work hard and steady in third grade! I am proud of all the great work we have been producing so far. Important dates- Wednesday, September 4th- picture day! Friday, September 6th- grandparents & half day Homework this week (due next Tuesday)- READO/100 minutes of reading per week […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Please remember to send your student with enough water on these hot days! Math: We are wrapping up Unit 1: Naming and Constructing Geometric Figures. This week we are still working on constructing circles, hexagons, and triangles. We will finish the week with our first test! ELA: -Writing: We are continuing […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. This Wednesday is Picture Day. Friday is Grandparents Day. Please meet us at the 8:30 Mass. Below please see an overview of our week. Math: I will introduce square numbers and exponents. The IXL for this week is F.1, Prime and Composite numbers. We will be […]
Kindergarten had a lab on Tuesday examining soil. Their finding were recorded in their science journals. It was exciting looking up close to see worms, bugs, small rocks, leaves, sticks in our sample.
Today we spent time showing our homework book responses and told why we liked the book. They had great recall from their own drawings. Please if you need to write the title do so, but don’t write about the story for them. They did very well and were proud of their work. Pictures can tell […]
This week in 5th grade we are reviewing the five forms of prayer. The Holy Spirit inspires expressions of prayers: blessing, petition, intercession, thanksgiving and praise.