HOMEWORK: No Homework this week except to study for spelling test. The spelling test will be on Monday. Math: Your child can review math facts on IXL. A SNEAK PEEK AT OUR ACADEMICS Language Arts Grammar/Writing: We are using a rubric to check our writing. We are adding a new topic to our writing. […]
The 6th grade class is studying the Old Testament in religion. As part of that curriculum we are learning the sections of the Bible, books, chapters, and how to use the Catholic Youth Bible. Using the table of contents the students colored beautiful hearts as they discovered which books are in the Old Testament and […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are wrapping up Unit 6 this week. We will be taking our test at the end of the week! ELA: -Writing: We are taking a bit of a break in writing to make sure our mission project is done in time for our school fair. -Reading: Reading Responses are […]
Dear Families, Please join us Wednesday at 6:00 for our School Fair. The students did a wonderful job on their projects. This Friday is a full day of school. Please see below for an overview of our week. Math: Our focus this week is on equivalent fractions, decimals and percents. Science: Clouds form and release […]
Third grade families, I hope you all had a wonderful, long weekend! It is great to be back at school and seeing so many smiling faces! Important Dates Wednesday, February 19th– school project fair at 6p! If your schedule allows, please come and take a look at our biography projects showcased in Biedermann Hall, as well […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend! Our School Academic Fair is Wednesday evening – open 6:00 to 7:15. Your children are excited to show their art projects and drawings. 🙂 Friday we will enjoy a full day of school. If your schedule permits, join us for Mass Friday morning at 8:30. […]
After much preparation, it is time for the WCEA Accreditation Team to be on campus on Tuesday-Thursday, March 3, 4, and 5. During these three days, the five-member team looks for evidence that supports statements made in our 90-page self-study, Improving Student Learning. The self-study looks back at our efforts of the last six years, […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Next week on Tuesday we are inviting our stuffed animals back school to learn words, especially the snap words. Hopefully, your child’s writing (in the homework folder) will serve as a reminder to bring in a favorite animal in on Tuesday. As before, your child will use their knowledge to “teach” their […]
HOMEWORK: DUE by Thursday due to the three day weekend. Fluency Math Worksheets: I have sent two worksheets for kids to work on Input and Output tables. This is a little more challenging than what is expected in 1st grade but they LOVE the challenge. We will resume our regular IXL activities next week. You […]
Hello Second Grade Families, Happy (almost) Valentine’s Day! We will be celebrating Friday’s holiday with a Valentine exchange here in class. Please check your e-mail for more specific instructions. Tuesday afternoon, the students will be taking home their Progress Reports. Please remember to sign and return these with your child’s School Work folder. Math: This […]