Dear 4th Grade Families, I hope you’ve been staying cool! Here’s an update of what we are currently learning in class! Important Dates: Our Learning: Homework: DUE OCTOBER 17 Let’s have a great week, Ms. Schmaeling
After a win at St Mary Magdalen School as they played Team Two, the 8th Grade Volleyball team plays Our Lady of Guadalupe School Tuesday at HOME and plays Thursday AWAY at Santa Clara School against their Team Two. The season continues with two games a week during the Week of October 16. After a […]
Members of the SHS Parent Group have planned a fun late afternoon event to spend time together and raise funds for our school! The flyer in the October Family Envelope invites all families to attend and, on the reverse, there is a form to complete for entry and to purchase tickets. Please return the completed […]
October is here! Picture day tomorrow! Primary Centers is Friday with noon dismissal. Your children have learned how the gifts, fruits of the Spirit can help us be our best. Now it’s time we learn about our Saints in heaven. Looking ahead … November we will have our annual Saint’s Parade. Students from K, 1, […]
Third grade families, Happy October! Important Dates Wednesday, October 4: Picture Day! No forms need to be brought to school. Friday, October 6: 12p dismissal Weekly Homework (Due October 10th) Sneak Peek of our Academic Week math: This week we wrap up our unit 1! We will take our math test this Tuesday. Then, we […]
Dear 4th Grade Families, I hope you’ve had a great weekend. Here’s an update of what we are currently learning in class! (Also, don’t forget to check out our podcast to hear from the students about our week! See link at end of post.) Important Dates: Our Learning: Homework: DUE OCTOBER 10 Let’s have a […]
Throughout the school year, Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade students enjoy Primary Centers on one of the Noon Dismissal Fridays each month. Our first is scheduled for Friday, October 3. Students from each grade are placed in groups of a single Kindergarten student, a first, and a second grade student. These groups are then divided […]
The Fall Schedule of games was released last week and our team plays into early November with two games a week most weeks in October. The team is practice ready, the winner of a recent scrimmage, and opens league play with an AWAY game in Camarillo at St Mary Magdalen School (Team Two). Go Cardinals!
The Cardinals move to Week 2 of the Fall Season with two practice days to begin the week and a game on Wednesday as they travel to St Sebastian School in Santa Paula. With a 1-0 record, we hope to bring home a win! Go Cardinals!
As the 7th grade finishes their study of the Roman Empire we learned about how the ancient city might have smelled. It turns out that even with the public baths the city did not smell very good. To help with that the Romans made scent satchels that they carried around with them. We used chamomile, […]