Third grade families, Happy Monday! On Tuesday we celebrate the 100th Day of School! I cannot believe have been together 100 days. Time flies when you’re having fun! I m p o r t a n t . D a t e s Friday, February 10th: 12p dismissal. W E E K L Y . […]
Dear Families, This week is a noon dismissal. We are working hard in 5th grade. Below is an overview of our week. Religion: We are focusing on what Jesus said in the Gospels about keeping the Word of God. Math: We are working on renaming fractions as decimals and percents. Science: We continue our study […]
Hello K families! Monday is day 99 and Tuesday marks our 100 days of school!! We will be doing several activities related to 100. Homework is due on Tuesday. Please bring in the bags of 100 small items grouped in fives, tens or twenties for easier counting. It is going to be fun…… Religion continues […]
After several days of practice, with several eliminated by rain, the boys basketball team played their first game of the season at HOME last week to complete their first win of the season. With two days of practice on Monday and Wednesday, the team takes to the court for another HOME game on Wednesday with […]
The Song dynasty used inspiration from nature to make beautiful landscape paintings. The 7th grade worked hard on painting ethereal and serene nature scenes. We are almost finished with the China dynasties. Then we are going back in time to Europe!
Dear Kindergarten families, February is here! Two special days coming the 100th Day of School and Valentine’s Day! Our Academic week: Religion – hearts are good – learning about the special gift God puts in our hearts to share with others. Language arts – learning the vowel sounds of short and long vowels. Daily writing […]
Dear Families, Thank you everyone who participated in the Book Fair. This Friday is a 2pm dismissal. Below is an overview of our week. Math: We are focusing on renaming fractions as decimals. Social Studies: What happened to the Roanoke settlers? We are examining the different theories of what might have happened. Science: The Water […]
Hello 4th Grade Families! We had a great time today with our stuffed animals/friends and movie in the afternoon! January is coming to a close so soon. Here’s a look at our week: Important Dates: Homework: This Week in Class: Let’s have a fantastic week! Ms. Schmaeling
Third grade families, Happy (almost) February! A whole lot of learning this week! I m p o r t a n t . D a t e s W E E K L Y . H O M E W O R K S N E E K . P E A K . T […]
The 6th grade class is learning about Ancient China. So far we have studied the Shang and Qin dynasty. We have explored the Great Wall and the Terra Cotta Warriors. The class also drew and used chalk pastels to create these adorable pandas. We have been watching the pandas at the National Zoo via the […]