Dear Third Grade Families,

We will not have homework Monday night, as many students will be out trick-or-treating with family and friends. Happy Halloween!

Tuesday morning we will be attending 8:30 mass for All Saint’s Day. As always, parents are welcome.

Later on Tuesday, we will take a short quiz in math on money. Students should be able to count and compare amounts of money as well as solve problems involving money, which often involve subtracting across zeros. On this day, we will also begin our study of time. At first, we will review telling time to the minute. We will learn the vocabulary of “quarter-after,” “quarter-before” and “half-past.”

In Language Arts, we will study Unit 9: words with the /ow/ sound. We will also continue with the story of Houdini, focusing on main ideas and supporting details.  We will then continue our study of non-fiction with the story of “The Floating Princess.” In addition, we will be learning how to write the lower case letters v, z, r and s in cursive.

Science finds us continuing our study of matter focusing on chemical changes.

In Social Studies, we will discuss how to be a responsible citizen as well as resources in a community.

Finally, in Religion, we will continue our study of Paul and his journey to faith.

Have a great week!

All the Best,

Mrs. Espinosa
