Dearest Third Grade Families,

Student work packets will begin going home this week. In them you will find spelling quizzes, math test and other class work. Please take a moment to review its contents with your child before sending the folder back.

Important Dates:

This week is a little different in that WEDNESDAY is a half-day. Students will be dismissed at noon while teachers stay for professional development. With this in mind, Friday then is a full day.


Math: We begin this week with Chapter 2, focusing on multi-digit addition and subtraction with regrouping. If you’re feeling ambitious, I would encourage all to spend some time practicing subtracting money (making change) across zeroes: for example $5.00-3.23=… or $25.00-15.25=…)

For IXL homework this week, please complete the following Third Grade Skills…

C.2 Addition Input/Output Tables

D.2 Subtraction Input/Output Tables

READING: All students are required to read a total of 100 minutes each week and record these in the reading log. Additional logs and new fluency passages will go home on Tuesday.

Curricular Spotlight: Grammar

We begin third grade grammar in the back of the book with Chapter 6 rather than 1. This is because the final chapter covers so many skills that students are expected to practice and perfect throughout the year. The last couple of weeks have been dedicated to reviewing end marks, using commas in a series and properly abbreviating days of the week as well as months of the year. This week we will spend some time learning how to correctly use quotation marks. Keep in mind that the ultimate goal of all grammar practice is for each skill to transfer to student writing. This is especially true for the use of quotation marks, as students are encouraged to bring their stories to life through the use dialogue in Writer’s Workshop. If you need a bit of a refresher or feel that your child would benefit from additional practice (as is the case with most), check out Unit 6, Lesson 47 on the Grammar Workshop website. Click here for the link.


Ms. Espinosa and Miss Poindexter
