Third grade families, I hope you all had a restful and blessed Easter! Sneak Peek to our Academic Week Math: This week we will continue multiplying and dividing 2 digit numbers, 3 digit numbers, and money amounts. Later this week we will learn the lattice method. Reading: This week we will work on our comprehension […]
Third grade families, Our class continues to do such an amazing job online! This week is a short week. No online school Thursday and Friday. We will resume Monday, April 13th. Sneak Peek to our Online Academic Week Math: This week we will continue to work with multiplying 2 digits by 1 digit. Then, we […]
Third grade families, We continue hard at work online! At the bottom of the newsletter you will find assignments for the week. Remember, assignments are subject to change. These assignments will be assigned to your child before logging off of Zoom each day! 🙂 Sneak Peek to our Remote Learning Week Math: We begin Unit […]
Third grade families, I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend! Important Dates Thursday, March 12th– field trip permission slips & payment due Friday, March 13th– full day Monday, March 16th– Chumash Museum! Please make sure students wear a SHS polo, jeans, comfortable shoes and a jacket/sweater. Sack lunch and water with names written on […]
Hello Second Grade Families, Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! Please keep an eye on the School Calendar for exciting weekly events all month long in celebration of Read Across America. This week in class, we will be hard at work on the following… Math: This week will be dedicated to perfecting our subtraction with regrouping skills […]
Third grade families, Happy March! Important Dates Tuesday-Thursday, March 2nd-4th WASC Accreditation Team will be on campus Friday, March 5th NO school- School Holiday Celebration Homework this Week IXL math: W.3, W.8, and W.9 100 minutes of reading & March Challenge! Fluency Sneak Peek to our Academic Week Math: This week we continue on with […]
Hello Second Grade Families, Thank you to all who came out for the School Fair last week. Our artists were very proud of all the work we’ve done! Individual portfolios will sent home in the coming weeks. In class this week, we will working on the following… Math: The students will continue with Unit 6, […]
Third grade families, Important Dates Wednesday, February 26th– Ash Wednesday. We will be attending mass at 8:30a. If your schedule allows, please come join us! Friday, February 28th– half day Friday Homework this week IXL math: H.6, J.6,  & W.1 100 minutes reading/READO Fluency Sneak Peek to our Academic Week Math: This week we wrap up Unit 7! On […]
Hello Second Grade Families, I hope everyone enjoyed President’s Day weekend! Although this is a short week, it is a particularly busy one. In addition to the School Fair, we begin several new units and get some dates on upcoming field trips. Math: This week we begin Unit 6: Whole Number Operations and Number Stories. […]
Third grade families, I hope you all had a wonderful, long weekend! It is great to be back at school and seeing so many smiling faces! Important Dates Wednesday, February 19th– school project fair at 6p! If your schedule allows, please come and take a look at our biography projects showcased in Biedermann Hall, as well […]