Third grade families, It has been so nice having the sun out! I hope you all enjoyed the 3-day weekend. As always, so much great things going on in third grade! A few important reminders… As report cards went home on Tuesday, please take the time to look them over. Please return the signed envelope […]
Hello Second Grade Families, Spring is almost here! The grass is green, the birds are chirping and Lent is upon us. This week we begin the run-up to many celebrations and special events, so keep a close on the school calendar. Math: In math, we begin volume two of the math book starting with Unit […]
Third grade families, This week marks the beginning of March and third trimester! As I have mentioned before, I am so proud of the progress every student has made, and I look forward to what this last trimester brings! Important dates: This Friday, March 8this a full day. No school on Monday, March 11th. Homework […]
Hello Second Grade Families, This week marks the beginning of March as well as trimester three! We have much to look forward to though in this next stretch and I am eager to make the most of our time together. Math: This week we will wrap up Unit 6 with a test on Friday. We […]
Third grade families, We are reaching the end of February! Time is flying by in third grade…this Friday marks the end of our second trimester. We have a full academic week planned up ahead. Important Dates: Friday, March 1stis a half day and school wide centers Homework this week: 100 minutes of reading and logged […]
Third grade families, I hope you had a relaxing President’s weekend. A shorter week but filled with so much good stuff! Important dates: Wednesday, February 20th is our SHS school fair! We have had so much fun putting together our biography projects and we cannot wait for you all to come by and witness our hard […]
Hello Second Grade Families! Mark your calendars for Wednesday night’s School Fair in the Hall. Our class has been working hard in the garden and we are eager to share the fruits of our labor. The doors will be open from 6:00-7:15. See you there! In class this week… Math: This week’s focus remains on […]
Hello Second Grade Families, Happy Valentine’s Day! The class is eagerly looking forward to Thursdays festivities when our guests of honor will be our Valentine cards. In class this week, we will be busy as ever! See below for an overview of our plans. Math: This week we will continue with Unit 6: Whole-Number Operations […]
Hello Second Grade Families, Brrrrrr. It’s a cold one! As you send your son or daughter off to school, now is a good time to make sure his or her name is clearly written inside (that is, if it’s not embroidered). This way everyone comes home with their jackets to use the next day. Math: […]
Third grade families, I cannot believe we are in the month of February! I have witnessed such growth and progress among all of our students since the start of the year and I couldn’t be any more proud! Cold and rainy weather is upon us, please make sure your child is coming to school with […]