Hello Second Grade Families, This week we will have our first emergency practice drill. You have already received an e-mail from the Office notifying you of the date and time. Right before and immediately after, you will receive another set of e-mails. Please take some time this week to discuss with your son/daughter what to […]
Dear Third Grade Families, I can’t believe we are already in mid-September! Time has been flying in third grade! Here are some important dates for this week… Wednesday, 9/19 is free ($1) dress day! Thursday, 9/20 is our library day. Don’t forget to bring books to school! Friday, 9/21 is another full-day Friday. […]
Hello Second Grade Families, Student work folders will go home on Tuesday. Please take some time to review your child’s work with him/her, praising accomplishments and analyzing mistakes for further growth. Wednesday is our first free dress day of the year. Participating students should bring $1 (or more) to be donated to the LA Archdiocese […]
Hello Second Grade Families, I hope everyone is enjoying these cool, foggy mornings. We continue to make our start through the school year and add a little more to our list responsibilities each and every week. Below is a peek at what lies ahead: Math: We will wrap up Unit 1 this week with a […]
Third grade families, Thank you to all the grandparents and parents for coming to visit last Friday! It was such a pleasure to meet so many special grandparents. We had a lot of fun and were able to create great memories throughout our morning! A few important dates… Tuesday, 9/11 family envelopes will go out. […]
Hello Second Grade Families, Happy Labor Day! I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend and was able to rest up as we have busy days ahead. Below are some highlights for the week: Math: We continue to make our way through Unit 1: Numbers & Routines. This is largely a review unit focusing mostly on […]
I hope you enjoyed your long Labor Day weekend! Although it is a short week, we have a lot planned. A few important dates for this week: Say cheese…Wednesday, 9/5 is picture day! Picture forms were sent home in homework folders last week. As a reminder, make sure to take a look at them, fill […]
It was so nice seeing you at Back to School Night! It was a pleasure meeting you and getting a chance to speak with you all! I look forward to a great school year. Our weekly newsletter will contain all of our important information for the week, as well as homework assignments, and sneak peeks […]
Hello Second Grade Families, It was a pleasure to meet so many of you at Back-to-School Night. I look forward to a great year together. In class, we continue to gain stamina and momentum every day, making our way toward full speed. This week we will get our first homework assignment: a reading log. Each […]
Dearest Third Grade Families, We made it! Summer vacation is (almost) here! There will be many special events taking place, as this is the last week of school. Below you will find a short outline: Monday: Field Day! Students should wear their family’s team color. (These were listed in the last family newsletter.) Yearbooks will […]