Dear 1st Grade Families, Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to meet last week for conferences. HOMEWORK Fluency Math IXL E.3. and M.2 Language IXL FF.2 Reading Log: Reading Log is 20 minutes a day. I have added the BOOK REPORT worksheet to this week’s assignment. You may count the […]
Dear 1st Grade Families, Happy New Year! I’m glad we are back in our routine. The kids came back well-rested and eager to learn. The first two days were filled with reviewing skills, writing assessments, and lots of discussion about their fun-filled days during their vacation. I look forward to meeting with all of you […]
Dear 1st Grade Families, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! This week will be lots of reviewing in all subjects along with some fun activities. Our week will end on Thursday (half day) with a little celebration. Our first and second graders will enjoy some fun games together on Thursday. We will end […]
The primary children enjoyed creating Christmas crafts on Friday. Each primary class has a holiday related project. Look at their sample of angels, reindeer, and painted Christmas trees. Thank you parents, family, and friends who were able to help us!!
The Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade students continue their preparation for this year’s Christmas Program, “A Very Sacred Heart Christmas Tale” that will be performed on Wednesday, December 18th, in Biedermann Hall. Doors open at 5:30p and the presentation begins promptly at 6p. Merry Christmas!
Hello, First Grade Families! It is DECEMBER! This month is full of academics with lots of fun activities on the days leading to Christmas vacation. We made an Advent chain on Monday. It is full of daily activities to remind us of giving to others during the time of year. I hope you enjoy the […]
HOMEWORK Reading Log: Reading 15-20 minutes a day is part of their daily homework. Find a favorite spot to read. Fluency SIGHT WORDS: Remember to study sight words daily (3-5 minutes a day). Math IXL: B.3 and Q.3 Language IXL: T.1 and E.E. 2 Spelling: Spelling Test will on Friday. A SNEAK PEEK AT OUR […]
HOMEWORK Reading Log: No reading log this week. Read for fun! I will ask students to take books from their book bags home. Please make sure they return the books the next day. Fluency Memorize Saint Report: First Grade is doing a great job! SIGHT WORDS: Remember to study sight words daily (3-5 minutes a […]
HOMEWORK Reading Log: Please read daily. FLUENCY Memorize Saint Report (copies go home on Tuesday) SIGHT WORDS: Remember to study sight words daily (3-5 minutes a day). We began our sight word check last week and continue into this week. No MATH IXL OR LANGUAGE IXL (You are okay with reviewing skills on your own […]
Kindergarten, First & Second Grade students, their families, and teachers are preparing for this year’s longstanding Sacred Heart School tradition. With each student dressed as a saint, the kinder, first, and second grade students will enter the church with the priest and altar servers and sit in the first pews throughout the Mass. As Mass […]