Hello Families- We are coming to the end of October! We will have been in school for a little over 41 days! They have already learned so much! I am thrilled! Last Week’s Learning Focus: Religion: Learning about the different saints we have chosen with our grown-ups! They are so excited about November 4th! Reading: Dove into reading for […]
Hello First Grade Families! This month is going by so fast! I wanted to say thank you to all who have sent me what saint their child wishes to be this year! Here are also some important dates to remember in the coming weeks! Dates and Reminders: Halloween Tattoos Pre-Sale: $1.00 each and the purchase […]
Hello Families- Fall is in full swing in our room! Last week we worked on: Reading: During our whole group reading time, we began to read nonfiction passages about bats and the seasons. During our small groups, we continued learning to sound out the middle and ending sounds of words. Science: Using what we know about birds and apples to […]
Hello Families! Last week we had an exciting week that was filled with joyful learning! We wrapped up our month long apple theme by making applesauce, reading all about apples, and attending a virtual field trip to an apple orchard. We also used graphic organizers during our writing time about what apples look like, […]
Friday morning, September 30, this year’s series of Primary Centers begins. Each First, Second, and Kindergarten student is placed in a group and these groups travel around the Kindergarten, First, and Second grade classrooms to participate in three activities. Family members may volunteer to work in one of the three classrooms; this is a great […]
Hello Families! Special news: Week of September 19th Homework: Will be sent home tomorrow in the green “Homework” folder. Due the following Tuesday! Virtual guest: Our first guest! A favorite author, Shannon Olsen will come from her home on Zoom to speak about writing and her book we read at the beginning of the year. She will […]
First Grade Families- We are on our last few days of school but our routine continues with lots of fun! We have been able to write with a pen all day, bring our fluffy friend, no homework, bubbles and our 1st-grade Latte Cafe. This week brings more surprises with our countdown. Please continue to find […]
First Grade Families- We begin our SUMMER COUNTDOWN! Today we popped our first balloon which had “NO HOMEWORK” until summer work begins. A reminder that students will have summer work to complete. We have 9 more FUNtastic activities to get us through the next few days. The first graders cannot wait to find out what […]
First Grade Families- We are back and ready to conquer the end of this year! Thank you for making our first days a success with the extra water, notes placed in their lunch boxes, names on their jackets, and sending your kiddos with awesome spring break experiences. They were all happy to share their fun […]
First Grade Families- Easter break is around the corner. As we await our break, we will be busy in first grade continuing our academics. We still have lots to learn! Weekly Homework Homework due EVERY Tuesday. Fluency: Fluency Reading Challenge: April Reading Challenge (Read 20 min. a day). Math IXL: Math worksheets (addition and […]