Hello Families! I really enjoyed meeting with all of you to discuss how awesome your children are doing in first grade! Such great growth! Thank you all for coming to meet with me. This week we finished up our unit on camouflage and how animals use it to survive. We also reviewed points on writing […]
Hello Families! October feels like it is in a sprint! I cannot believe how quickly the month is going by! This past week we worked hard! In Reading, we focused on the “silent e” or what the “Secret Stories” call, “Mommy e” who when at the end of a word tells the vowel to say […]
Throughout the school year, Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade students enjoy Primary Centers on one of the Noon Dismissal Fridays each month. Our first is scheduled for Friday, October 3. Students from each grade are placed in groups of a single Kindergarten student, a first, and a second grade student. These groups are then divided […]
Mrs Brown, Mrs Driscoll, and Mrs Giacolone look forward to meeting with family members from each of the primary grades on Tuesday afternoon at 5p. In each classroom, the teacher will share a 20-minute presentation and each will have all the necessary information in a handout that will be emailed or sent home following the […]
Hello First Grade Families! May your week be filled with the happiest of Halloweens and the most joyful Friday with your little saints! This week we wrapped up our month learning about bats! We enjoyed a special “Pumpkin Exploration Day” on Thursday and Primary Centers on Friday! Thursday we cut up one of our class pumpkins and […]
Hello Families- We are coming to the end of October! We will have been in school for a little over 41 days! They have already learned so much! I am thrilled! Last Week’s Learning Focus: Religion: Learning about the different saints we have chosen with our grown-ups! They are so excited about November 4th! Reading: Dove into reading for […]
Hello First Grade Families! This month is going by so fast! I wanted to say thank you to all who have sent me what saint their child wishes to be this year! Here are also some important dates to remember in the coming weeks! Dates and Reminders: Halloween Tattoos Pre-Sale: $1.00 each and the purchase […]
Hello Families- Fall is in full swing in our room! Last week we worked on: Reading: During our whole group reading time, we began to read nonfiction passages about bats and the seasons. During our small groups, we continued learning to sound out the middle and ending sounds of words. Science: Using what we know about birds and apples to […]
Hello Families! Last week we had an exciting week that was filled with joyful learning! We wrapped up our month long apple theme by making applesauce, reading all about apples, and attending a virtual field trip to an apple orchard. We also used graphic organizers during our writing time about what apples look like, […]
Friday morning, September 30, this year’s series of Primary Centers begins. Each First, Second, and Kindergarten student is placed in a group and these groups travel around the Kindergarten, First, and Second grade classrooms to participate in three activities. Family members may volunteer to work in one of the three classrooms; this is a great […]