Third grade families, Happy second week of third grade! Thank you to all for helping your students get all supplies turned in. We are now under way and having a wonderful time doing it! This week we will begin the real third grade “stuff”, along with practicing our classroom routines and procedures along the way. […]
Third grade families, I still cannot believe we have reached our final week of third grade. Thank you to all of the third grade families for such a blessed and wonderful year. Each child has shown so much progress since our first day together and I couldn’t be any more proud of them all. Thank […]
Third grade families, I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend and spent it relaxing with family and friends. As we wrap up these final two weeks together, please keep a look out for our school calendar to get all the insight on upcoming end of school year events! Important Dates: Thursday, May 30this the […]
Third grade families, A short week, but of course, still hard at work! We are approaching our last weeks together. During this time, we are doing a lot of assessing and reviewing. As a reminder, please consistently check our school website for information regarding our last week of school activities! Important dates: NO school this […]
Mr. Hinojosa and all the intermediate grade classes have prepared a program highlighting some of the things they have worked on during Music classes this school year. Tonight the three classes present a musical review with instrumental accompaniment that covers classic rock, contemporary, and spiritual music genres. The doors of Biedermann Hall open at 6p […]
Third grade families, I hope our third grade moms enjoyed a relaxing Mother’s Day! We are so thankful for all of our wonderful moms (and dads!), and your continuous love and support! It was also so great seeing so many of you at our jog-a-thon! Thank you for participating and making it a great event.We […]
Third grade families, Welcome back!! I hope you had a wonderful Easter Break. The kids came back refreshed and ready to work hard as we finish up our third grade year together! We have a lot of fun events coming up this month, so please keep a lookout for any important dates! Important dates: Thursday, […]
Third grade families, I hope you all have a fun and relaxing Easter break with family and loved ones! On Wednesday, we will be in the church watching the Living Stations of the Cross. If your schedule allows, please join us at 1:15. Important dates: NO school from April 18-28th. School resumes on April 29th. […]
Third grade families, Congratulations to our five poetry finalists: Sophia B, Abby, Alfonso, Nicholas, and Khloé! A few important dates: Progress reports go home on 4/9 SHS theater presents Gold Dust or Bust on 4/11 at 6:00 PM in Biedermann Hall Full day on Friday Homework this week: Fluency passage 100 minutes of reading and […]
Third grade families, As always a lot of good and hard work in third grade! I have another set of pillows to be washed, if you would like to get some service hours and are interested, please let me know! I will send them home on Friday. A few important dates: Friday, 4/5 is a […]