This week in religion class we are discussing God’s message to us all. Although we have just begun our discussion of the Old and New Testaments, we have already come to the realization that throughout our sacred scripture God is telling us that He loves us. Today we created our first religion bulletin board: God’s […]
Dear Families, Here is our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are continuing to work from Unit 1: Naming and Constructing Geometric Figures. This week we are focusing on constructing circles as we wrap up our unit. We hope to take our test by the end of the week. ELA: -Writing: We are continuing our […]
Welcome to “Worship Wednesdays”! Last week, we took a bit of time during our religion class to discuss our Schoolwide Learning Expectations at Sacred Heart and how they will be our classroom rules in fourth grade. Well, we have finally finished our SLE project! Each student designed and decorated one of our expectations. Below you […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are working from Unit 1: Naming and Constructing Geometric Figures. This week we are focusing on polygons and drawing circles with a compass. ELA: -Writing: We are in the middle of our realistic fiction writing. -Reading: Our Reading Response Journals go home on Monday! Please see the directions in […]
The final week of school has arrived, and our much deserved summer vacation is just around the corner! Today we received our yearbooks, and in the afternoon enjoyed Field Day, traveling in school family groups through a variety of activities. Tuesday is a quiet day; remember, no P. E. On Wednesday we celebrate the school […]
I hope that everyone enjoyed the long Memorial Day weekend! We will have a FREE free dress on Friday, celebrating a successful Jogathon. Friday is a half-day, and it is also Move-Up day, when students will learn about the year ahead in fifth grade! Next Monday afternoon, school families will be involved in Field Day; […]
We have three days of school this week and then a long Memorial Day weekend beginning on Thursday. Work packets will be coming home tomorrow; please return the red folder, as I will send home a final work packet the week of June 4th. THE WEEK AHEAD: HOMEWORK: Students will be doing the following ixL […]
We have a full week of school, with the In ‘N’ Out truck coming on Friday, which is a full day. Make sure you have all of your orders in the office by Tuesday. We will have a free dress day (cost is $1) on Wednesday; proceeds will be sent to St. Jude Children’s Hospital. […]
Progress reports will be coming home tomorrow, along with the latest work packet. Please sign and return the progress report by May 11th. This Friday is a half-day; it is our Annual Jogathon! As a fundraiser, the eighth graders will be selling Propel water before school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, May 8 and 10 & […]
The eighth graders have organized a Cinco de Mayo cookie sale as a fundraiser for the St. Vincent de Paul Society. The cost is $1 per cookie, and tomorrow is the last day to order them. Cookies will be delivered on Friday the 4th. They have organized another fundraiser as well: on Tuesdays and Thursdays, […]