Joganthon was a success! Thank all of you who were able to attend, enjoy the day, and contribute to our school. The In-N-Out truck will be here on Friday! Come have lunch with your student(s). Please note Tuesday is the deadline to pre-order for this event. Friday is a full day of school, with an […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, You will find two papers for homework next week, a writing and a reading comprehension passage. Please read and discuss the writing with your child and if they need some help, please assist. Both papers should be finished neatly and with nice printing and illustrations. As always read nightly, recommended time is […]
Dear Kindergarten families, This is an exciting week! Jogathon is on Friday. Have your child dress in P.E. type clothes: Red or blue shorts and solid color T-shirt. If your schedule permits come join us at 8:30 for Mass. Jogathon should begin about 9:30, starting with Kindergarten. Tuesday we have an art lesson with Miss […]
Dear Kindergarten families, In your child’s homework folder is an envelope with craft sticks to help with mental math skills. Especially subtraction combinations from 10. I can see everyone needs more practice. In class we take turns asking several different math combinations such as, “I have 9 sticks in the pocket, if I take out […]
Dear Kindergarten families, I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter vacation! As we return to school, I am hoping we are rested, recharged, and ready for a full week and full day on Friday! Remember our Jogathon is coming soon! May 10th is just a week and a few days away. Please support our school by […]
During Lent, Kindergarten has spent much time reading, writing, and retelling the life of Jesus. They have colored and labeled pictures for our religion board. What do we know about Jesus? Click continue reading to see!
Busy week ahead! Lots to do before Easter vacation. Congratulations to our five finalists for the poetry contest: Christine, Grayson, Kai, Emma, and Julian. Tuesday is judging and hopefully we will have a winner in Kindergarten! Third trimester progress reports are coming home Tuesday – please review, sign and return on Friday, April 12. Religion […]
This week you will find the Young Explorer magazine in your child’s homework folder. A couple of worksheets to respond to the information are included. The “Think Sheet” – I am looking for one or two things your child wonders about from the magazine and tell what is learned. A Giant Cactus worksheet has your […]
No fooling it is April 🙂 Hope all enjoyed the beautiful weekend! Look for a nicely decorated envelope coming home this week. Our Channel Islands Museum and Visitor Center field trip has been scheduled for April 15 at 11:30 to 2:15. Please send back permission slip and $17.00 to cover bus cost and time at […]
Thank you for getting your children ready for the poetry contest. The poems are all good and they are enjoying reciting in class. Over the weekend continue to practice at home. Next week we will compete in class. Five students will be selected for judging on April 9. Read together each night find sight words […]