Dear Kindergarten Families, Parent’s Day is the beginning of Catholic Schools Week. Meet us for Mass at 8:30, if your schedule permits. Reception for parents and recess for children directly after Mass. A short assembly before classroom visits. Visits most likely begin around 10:30 A look at our week: Religion: We will focus on Jesus’ […]
In your child’s red homework folder is a bag to put 100 items. Please bag in groups of 5, 10, 20, or 25 to equal 100, then staple or tape bag closed. Bring in Tuesday or Wednesday next week for our 100 day celebration. Guessing and counting what is in their bags will be our […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, I enjoyed conferencing with all parents last week. Your children have made significance progress since school began. They are hard workers! This trimester is where we work even harder towards meeting our grade level standards. Tomorrow is a free dress all proceeds will go to support St. Vicente de Paul – please […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, You will find the sight (snap) word list in your child’s red homework folder. Please practice the first 5 lists. The 25 words in list “A” will be tested within the next few weeks. List B words will be tested in February and March. Our goal is for your child to know […]
Kindergarten students have been discussing Epiphany. We have learned the gifts the Wise Men brought to Jesus were to show they loved and honored Him. The gifts of incense, gold, and myrrh have special meanings we can use to show love everyday. Our prayers are like incense. Our kind words and actions are like gold. […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, In your child’s Red Homework folder is a Young Explorer magazine. This is your child’s magazine to keep at home. Read it together and use it with the worksheets found in the homework folder. click this link to view the magazine onlineYou will need the password DINO to view the interactive pages. […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Here we go on to a New Year! As we start back to school, we welcome Jesus in our hearts. A new word to learn, Epiphany. Also the message of the Wise Men and the meaning of their gifts to Jesus. Academics for the short week: our workshops will refresh our reading […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, The last couple weeks of Advent we have been preparing for the birth of Jesus. This short week we will try to keep our day on task finalizing some religion lessons and crafts, math, writing and reading. Monday we finish our day with our 5th grade friends to play Christmas games. Our […]
The Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade students have been working with Mr. Hinojosa preparing for our Tuesday night presentation of “Just a Little Christmas” in Biedermann Hall at 6p. Doors will open at 5:30p. Merry Christmas!