Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. We are going to be very busy with the last two weeks of school. This Friday is a noon dismissal. Looking ahead next Monday is our “Families” Field Day. Please check the website for the Family colors. Please see an overview of our week: Religion: Holy […]
Hello Second Grade Families, Happy Memorial Day! I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend and sunshine. These next two weeks will be busy as we wind down the school year. Keep your eye on the school calendar for special days and events (especially next week). In class, I am pleased to announce that we are […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Here we are back from a long weekend! Hope everyone enjoyed your time with family and friends! This is a short week with a noon dismissal on Friday. Monday, June 3 is Family Field Day! Your children will write a sentence or two letting all families know what color they will need […]
Third grade families, A short week, but of course, still hard at work! We are approaching our last weeks together. During this time, we are doing a lot of assessing and reviewing. As a reminder, please consistently check our school website for information regarding our last week of school activities! Important dates: NO school this […]
Dear Families, This week is a short week for us. There is no school this week on Thursday and Friday. Next Monday is Memorial Day and no school. This Wednesday we are going to Mass at 8:30. Please join us if your schedule allows. The parish picnic will be on Memorial Day. Please see below […]
Dear Kindergarten families, We have a short 3 day week ahead, with a long Memorial Day weekend starting Thursday. The Parish Picnic is on Monday, May 27 all are invited to come join the fun! Please bring a side dish to share. This week we continue to focus on Mary and praying the Rosary. A […]
May is Mary’s month. In class we are praying to our Blessed Mother. Your children are learning the Rosary. Here is a look at some of their thoughts on prayer. We have an open space to add other places where we can pray!
Friday morning, after the 8:30a Mass, the First Grade students will lead our Annual Crowning of Mary. Catholic Christians hold Mary, The Mother of Jesus, in high regard. Each May, Catholic churches and schools throughout the world hold special events for Mary that include prayers, meditations, and flowers, and end with a crown of flowers […]
Hello Second Grade Families, We are in the home stretch with even more special events on the way. Stay tuned and keep your eye on the school calendar. Math: We will continue Unit 9: Measurement with work on finding the perimeter of polygons. After that, we’ll start planning summer road trips with a lesson on […]
Note From Mrs. Vazquez: First Grade is so busy reviewing skills and continue to learn some new ones before our year is over. We have a busy week ahead of us. We are preparing for the May Crowning. The kids are doing such a great job during practice. If your child is reading, please make […]