Today we discussed the role of Guardian Angels in our lives. Guardian Angels watch over us and aid us with prayer. Students then created their own angels.
Today October 2, 2018 is the memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels. We discussed in middle school today how wonderful it is to have guardian angels in our life. Many classrooms at SHS pray the Guardian Angel prayer at the end of the school day. The 6th grade colored and decorated an angel. The 8th […]
Hello Second Grade Families! Tomorrow is a free dress day for a very special cause. Please remember to bring $1 (or more) if you plan to participate. As a quick reminder, school will not be in session on Friday for a teacher in-service day. Looking forward to the week ahead… Math: We began the week […]
Third grade families, I hope you all are having a wonderful week! Thank you to the families that have conferenced with me so far. I have quite a few families left, so please keep a look out for an email from me to schedule a day and time that works for all! A few […]
Dear Fourth Grade Families, Here is our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are wrapping up our lessons from Unit 2! This week we continue our focus on subtraction of multidigit numbers. By the end of the week we will be taking our math test ELA: -Writing: We are continuing our realistic fiction writing. This week […]
FIRST GRADE NEWSLETTER NOTE FROM MRS. VAZQUEZ: I can’t believe we are in October. The kids did great on their FIRST spelling test! You can take a peek at their test on Wednesday. HOMEWORK Homework is always due on Tuesday. Reminder, homework for the week is not given until Tuesday. Reading Log 15+ min. daily […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, A short week ahead and a special request. Please help support the Jamaica Medical Mission. Our school’s leadership team is requesting a free dress this Wednesday. Donations for this mission include $$$ and beanie baby or small stuffed animal for the children of Jamaica. Please read the post for more details. Your […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Select a good book and use new book response form. We are concentrating on setting. Read each night and record on reading log. Work on sight words – testing next week Number recognition paper is attached with reading papers below. Your child is bringing home two bundles of craft sticks- use these […]
This week in religion fourth graders are discussing how we are called to follow in Jesus’ footsteps. We spent today discussing the ways to serve, forgive, and pray for others as ways to follow Jesus. As we concluded our lesson, we made acrostic poems with the words “serve”, “forgive”, and “pray”. We hope you enjoy […]
The 6th grade continues their study of ancient peoples by examining cave art left behind. We are learning about how they hunted and lived from these ancient paintings. During art class yesterday the students drew pictures that tell a story on sandpaper. The drawings are quite interesting and well done.