Welcome back! We hope that everyone enjoyed the Easter break. This Wednesday afternoon is the SHS Showcase and Sweets event. All sweets are presale only, with a 10 am Wednesday purchasing deadline. Look for the order form in the Family Envelope tomorrow. Our week ahead: ACADEMICS Religion: We will be continuing the Beatitudes, learning what […]
Congratulations to our Second Grade friends for receiving their First Communion on Saturday. It was a beautiful day! NO HOMEWORK – read for fun A SNEAK PEEK AT OUR ACADEMICS READING: We are learning how to work in our reading groups by reading parts of our book out loud to each other, practicing using the […]
Third grade families, As we await Easter Break during this short week, we will spend our days wrapping up content and reviewing across all subjects! Important Dates Tuesday, March 30: Progress reports go home Wednesday, March 31: Living Stations of the Cross at 10:15a Wednesday, March 31: 2:45a dismissal Then…Easter Break begins on Thursday! School […]
This will be a short week (dismissal at 2:45 p.m. on Wednesday), followed by a well-earned Easter break. There will be no Music classes this week. On Tuesday, students will receive their second trimester progress reports. On Wednesday the 8th graders will present the Living Stations of the Cross. Please join us if you can. […]
As we anticipate the predicted strong winds on Wednesday, we move The Living Stations INDOORS to church, and to allow for proper numbering, there are two presentations. Kindergarten and their buddies from 4th grade, 3rd grade, and 5th grade attend the morning presentation at 10:15a. Family members and guests from these grades will sit in […]
This is an exciting week as we prepare for First Communion on Saturday. HOMEWORK Math IXL Skills: L.8 – Add and subtract numbers up to 100 S.2 – Measure using an inch ruler S.8 – Measure using a centimeter ruler Language Arts IXL Skill: none Fluency Wk 22- This should be completed over the course […]
Third grade families, The third trimester has begun! Time flies when you’re having fun! Important Dates Friday, March 26: 11:45a dismissal Friday, March 26: Roomies, please bring your favorite book & a beach towel to school for a families activity! Weekly Homework IXL math:—C.8 Addition up to three digits: fill in the missing digits—K.7 Division […]
Homework Reading Log: Read 20 min. a day (at least 5 times a week) Practice new word sort. Go over word patterns with your child. A reminder that test day may change due to extra time needed to review sort. Please take the time to go over the meaning of their spelling words. Fluency Math […]
Welcome to the first week of the third trimester! Coming up this week: On Thursday the 8th graders present the Stations of the Cross to all grades. On Friday, students meet with their school families. Our week ahead: ACADEMICS Religion quiz Chapter 22 is on Friday. We will be continuing our study of the Beatitudes, […]
We are happy to share with everyone the good news that Mrs. Basamonowicz and baby Frederick are doing well. The fourth graders have adjusted well to the change in teachers and have been working hard for the past three weeks. Next Monday, March 22nd, is the beginning of the third trimester. Beginning next week, Mrs. […]