Dear Fourth Grade Families, I hope all had a wonderful spring break with family and friends! Here’s our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are moving on with Unit 8! This week, we determine how to find the area of shapes! As we move throughout the week, we will learn how to specifically find the area of […]
Note From Mrs. Vazquez: Hello- Welcome back from Easter break! The kids came back ready to finish the year strong. Please be sure to check out our future events on our school website. Also, our two big fundraisers are in May. Please support our jog-a-thon and In-N-Out. Is there a field trip in first grade? […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone had a peaceful and restful Easter vacation. This Friday is a full day of school. Looking ahead May 10th is our Jogathon. Please see below an overview of our week. Religion: Our focus this week is to accept and respect all of God’s gifts. Vocabulary: Unit 11 Grammar: We will […]
Dear Kindergarten families, I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter vacation! As we return to school, I am hoping we are rested, recharged, and ready for a full week and full day on Friday! Remember our Jogathon is coming soon! May 10th is just a week and a few days away. Please support our school by […]
We hope everyone enjoys time with family and friends on Easter Sunday and during our week away from school. As we celebrate The Resurrection, we will move into Easter Time on the liturgical calendar that takes us to Pentecost on Sunday, June 9. The school calendar is full of many events that will also take […]
Third grade families, I hope you all have a fun and relaxing Easter break with family and loved ones! On Wednesday, we will be in the church watching the Living Stations of the Cross. If your schedule allows, please join us at 1:15. Important dates: NO school from April 18-28th. School resumes on April 29th. […]
Homework Students will not have homework during Easter Break. Please continue providing your child with opportunities to read during their vacation. You may also have them review their math facts on IXL. New Spelling Words for all this week. I am NOT giving a spelling test this week. Students will have their spelling test on […]
Dear Families, This is a short week before our Easter vacation begins. Vacation for students begins on Holy Thursday. Wednesday is a 2:45 dismissal. We will have Living Stations in the Church as 1:15 on Wednesday. Please join us if your schedule allows. Please see below an overview of our week. Math: We continue to […]
During Lent, Kindergarten has spent much time reading, writing, and retelling the life of Jesus. They have colored and labeled pictures for our religion board. What do we know about Jesus? Click continue reading to see!
The 7the grade continues their Renaissance experience and learning. This week we discovered more information about Michelangelo and da Vinci. To appreciate the effort needed to paint the Sistine Chapel the class taped paper to the bottom of the desk and laid down to draw a nature scene. The students had fun but realized how […]