Third grade families, We continue doing an AWESOME job everyday! A lot of cold days coming up this week..please make sure your kiddos are coming to school in warm clothes. If they’d like, they can bring a small blanket for outside work. Congrats to our third graders…they filled up the pom-pom jar! Yay! This Thursday […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are continuing with Unit 3. This week we work on our multiplication and division facts. ELA: -Writing: We continue with our virtual lessons! -Reading: We continue with our virtual lessons! Our Reading Response Journals are due once each week! If you have any questions please let me know. Remember […]
We have an exciting, four day week ahead! Monday we have an art lesson and music Tuesday and Thursday Motor Skills – PE clothes can be worn Wednesday – Veterans Day observance Friday is a 11:45 dismissal and at 1:45 we return to school via Zoom for Families. Look for email later in week for […]
Hello- First Graders are working hard in all subjects. I have sent an email reminding all to save the date for Nov. 20th. Please read the Religion section carefully. Take a look at our week. HOMEWORK Reading Log: Please read 20 min. daily FLUENCY: This week I have asked the kids to record themselves reading […]
I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween! This week is another busy week in Second Grade. HOMEWORK Math IXL Skills: K.1 and K.3 Language Arts IXL Skills: ZZ.1 Fluency Wk 6 Reading Log Wk 6 – Please read a minimum of 20 minutes daily PEEK AT OUR WEEK READING: We are finishing up […]
We gather on Friday afternoon at 1:45p from our various locations for the November Assembly. Following prayer and the flag salute, our 8th grade leaders will share a variety of topics including November birthdays!
Happy November! Again, so proud with all of the great work we are doing as Roomies and Zoomies together! Important Dates Tuesday (11/3) & Thursday (11/5)–PE! Make sure your child wears their PE clothes to school both days. Zoomies will not yet be participating in PE on Zoom. Please have your child do an active […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are beginning Unit 3. This week we are working on multiplication! We begin this week with some vocabulary and multiplication facts practice. ELA: -Writing: We are working hard on our realistic fiction writing as we continue to bring “light” to our stories. -Reading: Our Reading Response Journals are due […]
Kindergarten Families, November is here! Homework starts this week. Please spend time reading each day. Check your email for homework on Seesaw and IXL. Please bring in Kindles all charged up and earphones. Motor skills on Tuesday and Thursday – your child may wear PE clothes. Music on Monday and Wednesday Friday is a 11:45 […]
The 7th grade class is wrapping up their study of the mighty African kingdoms of Mali and Ghana. They created Buncees on the many animals in Africa and then used those animals to write and illustrate an African Folktale that has a moral or explains something in nature. Next we travel to Japan!