Dear Kindergarten Families, Take your shoes off, relax and read a good book! Recommended reading time is 20 minutes each night. Don’t forget to stop and retell a fun story putting events in order. When reading informational texts recall and list the facts! In your child’s red homework folder you will find three worksheets. Each […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the 3-day weekend. This shorten week comes with an exciting evening….you won’t want to miss it! Events this week: Our School Fair is on Wednesday evening at 6:00. Please come and see all the amazing efforts your child and our school has been working on! Friday is a […]
One of the religion standards for Kindergarten children is to be able to explain forgiveness. Your children wrote about being sorry and asking to be forgiven. Look at their beautiful work!
Read each night, use the book response to retell a favorite book. Car Tally paper – look at home, neighborhood or a parking log and record with tally marks the most popular car color. Cut words/pictures sorts. Work with your child on beginning sounds – glue last weeks sorts on a paper or in spiral […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Valentine’s day is a free dress day – no dollars! Your child may bring in Valentine’s on Wednesday or Thursday. We will have a simple exchange of cards in the afternoon. The Virtus lessons will be this week. Our religion lesson: Hearts are Good, shows God’s everlasting love. And how that love […]
Dear Kindergarten families, This week you will find the National Geographic magazine in your child’s homework folder. Read the articles together and have your child complete worksheets responding to the information. Use the Non-Fiction form and respond to one of the articles or any non-fiction book from home. We enjoy everyone’s homework responses. They are […]
Dear Kindergarten families, Upcoming events in February: Tomorrow the second Mid-term Progress Reports will come home. Please sign and return by Friday, Feb. 8. Thursday, February 14 we will exchange Valentines. Monday, February 18 is President’s Day – no school Wednesday, February 20 is the School Fair – 6:00 – 7:30 PM The winter cold […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Thank you for joining us on Parents’ Day! Used uniform sale at 2:00 this Friday. This is Catholic Schools week. We have a variety of activities planned. Wednesday is Student Appreciation Day – in which all students will enjoy free dress day and a free hamburger lunch provided by Mrs. Benner! Friday […]
Dear Kindergarten families, Find that special time to read with your child. Notice two forms in the homework folder for responding to one of your child’s book selections. Choose one for that favorite book. We have been checking out non-fiction as well as fiction stories so use the appropriate form. Your child may use both […]