Dear Kindergarten Families, I hope all enjoyed their weekend. We have much to do during this exciting week! Monday: classroom finalists present their poems to the judges. Congratulations to Sophia, Athena, Brynn, Evan, and Jeweliana! Tuesday: special Family Envelope goes home. We are beginning a fundraiser this week. Cookie pre-sales for Cinco de Mayo. Cost […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Last week’s animal report and sight word sentences are quality work. I can hardly wait to read them with the class! The Young Explorer magazine is coming home in the red homework folder. This is for your child to read and keep at home. Read nightly and list books and magazines on […]
Hello Third Grade Families, Just yesterday on the farm, our class broke out in spontaneous song! This tells me one thing: ’tis the season for music. The intermediate grades spring musical is well underway and in production. Our class is scheduled to take the stage on Wednesday night and I must say, the students are […]
As the 8th grade studies the Civil War we are learning about some of the important people during this time in history. Abraham Lincoln is known for many thoughtful quotes and the students selected a quote to reflect on and illustrate. Next we are studying the battles and strategies fought by both the Union and […]
Second Grade Families- We have a busy next two weeks preparing for our First Communion. Please make sure you do not have any appointments scheduled next week in the afternoon. We spend time in church rehearsing for First Communion in the afternoon. We will begin this Thursday. Homework Parent Homework: Reminder to turn in your […]
We begin speech presentations this week; all students will be reciting the poems they have chosen to memorize. We are also preparing for our musical program next Wednesday evening, which means practicing at home and bringing recorders on Mondays and Wednesdays. This Friday is a half-day. Reminder: Please sign and return your child’s progress report […]
Dear Parents, April 16, 2018 Here’s what we are doing in first grade… We have started presenting our poems in front of our classmates. Our finalists will be named by the end of the week. Language Arts: As we begin our opinion writing this week, please remember to send your child with their collection! […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, This Wednesday is our field trip! If you have not turned in both permission slips and the $15 to cover cost of bus — please do by Tuesday morning. Learning about going to church for worship and how everyone has a role in church is our goal for religion this week. We […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Keep up that reading habit! Use form below to list 5 or 6 books you read together during the upcoming week. Spend time reading and re-reading, look for sight words, sound out words, review events or information learned, lastly have your child retell the story or informational text. This should take about […]
Dearest Third Grade Families, Welcome back! I hope everyone enjoyed the break, taking some time to rest and relax among family and friends. Upon our return, the students couldn’t help but notice that we have exactly two months remaining in the school year. With that in mind, the coming weeks are sure to be action […]