Dear 4th Grade Families, Here’s an update of what we are currently learning in class! Also, don’t forget to check the end of this post for the latest episode of our podcast! Important Dates and Reminders: Our Learning: Homework: Due Tuesday, January 30 Let’s have a great week, Ms. Schmaeling
The Middle School Leadership Committee has three departments: Service, Social, and Spirituality. All three departments are populated by 6, 7, an 8th grade students who rotate through the three departments during the year. The Spirituality Department is in charge of the Kick-Off for Catholic Schools Week on Friday afternoon. They are going to divide into […]
Monday, January 29 we celebrate our families as we begin Catholic Schools Week. The Food Drive & Collection of Warm Wear starts and continues through Friday as we share what our families have with those families that need our help. Red bins will be along the car lines all week for the Food Drive and […]
Dear Kindergarten families, Your students are doing a great job in class and with their homework! Endangered animals will be big part of learning about mortality as we continue to learn responsibility for God’s creation. Endangered animals will be our focus for religion, science, reading and writing as we continue to research this important topic. […]
Third grade families, We start off the week with a rainy day! These upcoming cold days require sweaters/jackets! A friendly reminder to make sure your child’s name is written on the tags of the items. Often, when playing outside, the kids choose to take them off. We want to make sure any lost items return […]
Dear 4th Grade Families, Here’s an update of what we are currently learning in class! Also, don’t forget to check the end of this post for the latest episode of our podcast! Important Dates and Reminders: Our Learning: Homework: Due January 22 Let’s have a great week! Ms. Schmaeling
Hello Families! I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend! It looks like we are still in for cooler weather this week. Please make sure any new sweatshirts or jackets have your child’s name on them so they can be returned. I also wanted to mention how happy the students are with their families […]
Middle school students were given the chance to jot down their New Year’s resolutions, covering a variety of aspirations such as improving study habits, using their talents to earn money, enhancing organizational skills, and dedicating more time to sports to secure a spot on the high school team. Let’s wish them success in accomplishing the […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, It was nice visiting with families last week for conference. Back to full days and on with the goals for this trimester! This week we review the main events in the life of Jesus, the Magi and an introduction to the Holy Trinity. A unit on nouns, continued letter/sounds, simple sentences and […]
Dear 4th Grade Families, Here’s an update of what we are currently learning in class! Also, don’t forget to check the end of this post for the latest episode of our podcast! Important Dates and Reminders: Our Learning: Homework: Due January 16 Let’s have a great week! Ms. Schmaeling