Dear Kindergarten families, It’s already mid October! Thank you for choosing your child’s Saints. Remember to save the date November 17 for our Showcase/Sweets and Saint’s Parade! Your children are doing well. I see steady growth in class. Completed work packets are coming home on Wednesday. Please review your child’s September work. Keep their paper […]
Hello Families! October feels like it is in a sprint! I cannot believe how quickly the month is going by! This past week we worked hard! In Reading, we focused on the “silent e” or what the “Secret Stories” call, “Mommy e” who when at the end of a word tells the vowel to say […]
Dear 4th Grade Families, I hope you are doing well! Please look out for an email coming your way soon about Beginning of the Year Conferences. My goal is to start these the week of 10/23 (next week). Here’s an update of what we are currently learning in class! Also, don’t forget to check the […]
Third grade families, Happy Monday! I am so proud of the great work our class has been doing! We will begin our beginning of the year conferences next week! Please look out for an email regarding scheduling. 🙂 Important Dates Friday, October 20: 12p dismissal Weekly Homework (Due October 24th) Sneak Peek of our Academic […]
Dear Kindergarten families, Primary Centers was fun last Friday. Hope you enjoyed the cute crafty projects your children came home with! Events This Friday is free dress to help support Adopt-a-Family. Students coming in free dress please bring in a couple dollars to help this cause. Dismissal at 2p. Calendar this date! November 17 – […]
Third grade families, We have a lot of fun things coming up this month! Family envelopes are going home today and that envelope contains A LOT of important information regarding upcoming events 🙂 I hope to begin beginning of the year conferences the week of 10/23. Please look out for an email regarding scheduling! 🙂 […]
Dear 4th Grade Families, I hope you’ve been staying cool! Here’s an update of what we are currently learning in class! Important Dates: Our Learning: Homework: DUE OCTOBER 17 Let’s have a great week, Ms. Schmaeling
October is here! Picture day tomorrow! Primary Centers is Friday with noon dismissal. Your children have learned how the gifts, fruits of the Spirit can help us be our best. Now it’s time we learn about our Saints in heaven. Looking ahead … November we will have our annual Saint’s Parade. Students from K, 1, […]
Third grade families, Happy October! Important Dates Wednesday, October 4: Picture Day! No forms need to be brought to school. Friday, October 6: 12p dismissal Weekly Homework (Due October 10th) Sneak Peek of our Academic Week math: This week we wrap up our unit 1! We will take our math test this Tuesday. Then, we […]
Dear 4th Grade Families, I hope you’ve had a great weekend. Here’s an update of what we are currently learning in class! (Also, don’t forget to check out our podcast to hear from the students about our week! See link at end of post.) Important Dates: Our Learning: Homework: DUE OCTOBER 10 Let’s have a […]