As the 7th grade class closes their study of Ancient Japan, they created beautiful Zen gardens. We listened to traditional Japanese music and created a peaceful setting with a few plants and rocks. The gardens came out very unique and we all felt very calm and Zen like when they were completed.
Dear Kindergarten Families, Hope all enjoyed the long weekend! Religion – Jesus the Good Shepherd, learning the protective love and trust Jesus has for every one as we explore this parable. Social studies continues to focus on Martin Luther King as he taught peace, love and equality. As we discussed during conference, writing every morning […]
Hi there 4th Grade Families! I hope you are staying dry! We loved hearing the rain pour down (as well as some thunder) today at school! I want to say a big thank you to you all for meeting with me this last week. I appreciated the conversations and hope we can continue to share […]
Third grade families, Happy Monday… a whole lot of rain coming our way! I enjoyed meeting with you all last week. Thank you for taking the time to come in. It’s always great to celebrate the success and progress made by our kiddos! I m p o r t a n t . D a […]
Hello 4th Grade Families! Here’s to our last week together before Christmas break… the last of 2022! This week, we are studying the different ways Christmas is celebrated across the world, as well as of other celebrations and holidays that take place! We are also having lots of fun in class as we take time […]
Dear Kindergarten families, Third week of Advent is upon us! This week will be filled with the Joy of the coming of baby Jesus. We will be busy creating, singing, reading, writing, working on patterns and teen numbers! Hopefully many families can come on December 16. This is our Celebration of Christmas Coming. Starting with […]
As the 6th grade continues the study of the Old Testament we learned about the Jesse Tree. The class read from Isaiah about the Jesse family tree. We also read some stories from the Old Testament that are symbolized with ornaments for the Jesse Tree. Each student colored the ornaments and glued them onto a […]
Hello Kindergarten Families, We are busy preparing for Christmas! This week we light the candle of Peace on our Advent wreath. Focus learning – love and caring for family and others. Taking time to smile and help those around us and others less fortunate. Important school news First Trimester Progress Reports are coming home in […]
Hi there 4th Grade families! Our time together in 2022 is quickly coming to a close. Lots of fun things happening on campus these final two weeks before Christmas Break! Important Dates: Homework: Our Week: Let’s have a great week! Ms. Schmaeling
The 7th grade class is currently studying the history and culture of Japan. We learned about their love of nature and poetry. The students wrote their names in Japanese and then chose a landscape scene to write a haiku about. They also illustrated their beautiful poems.