February a busy month starting by celebrating Catholic Schools Week! Valentine’s Day!! Three day weekend President’s Day !! We learn how much we are loved through Jesus as he showed love to everyone. Turning to ourselves we show love and kindness to others. Learning how our hands help at home, school, our community. The season […]
Hello Families! We have a three day weekend coming up! Don’t forget that Friday is an early dismissal. A reminder that next week we will take our spelling test on Tuesday instead of Monday. Weekly Homework Homework due EVERY Tuesday. Fluency: Fluency Reading Challenge: It is about LOVE this month! Math IXL: B.5 and […]
I hope everyone had a nice Valentine’s Day! Second grade is full of sweet hearts! 💕 ACADEMICS Reading: As we grow word solving muscles, we are learning how to look for words or parts of words we know to help us decode tricky works. Phonics: For words ending in -le, we are learning to break […]
Third grade families, Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you all had a restful weekend. As a reminder, our hot lunch catering is closed this week & next week! It will re-open on February 28th. Important Dates Friday, February 18th: Noon dismissal Monday, February 21st: No school-President’s Day! Weekly Homework (Due February 22nd) IXL math—M.1 Addition, […]
Happy Valentine’s Day! Our week in 4th grade… Math: We are wrapping up our Unit 5. We aim to take our test by the end of the week. Please encourage your student to look back at our math journal pages to review for our test. ELA: -Writing: We are continuing our writing. We are getting to […]
Every morning the 6th grade class reads from a daily prayer book. This week the readings focused on how we should all strive to live in the light of God. St. Paul’s letters to different peoples discusses loving our neighbor, putting on an armour of light each day and our call to live in the […]
ACADEMICS Reading: We continue to work on growing word solving muscles. We are working on setting goals to practice different strategies when we read, and we are learning how to solve tricky words part by part. Phonics: We started a new unit focusing on tackling multisyllabic words. This week we are learning how to break […]
Hello Families! It’s a hot week! Let’s stay hydrated to help us focus on our daily routines. Don’t forget to send their water bottle. We have been enjoying some of our academic times outside under the shade. We are making a few adjustments in the next few weeks to our schedule. We will be adding […]
Third grade families, Happy February! Important Dates Tuesday, February 8th: Family envelopes & progress reports go home Friday, February 11th: 2p dismissal Friday, February 11th: Sports themed (or LA Rams) free, free dress! Monday, February 14th: Valentines Day free, free dress! Weekly Homework (Due February 15th) IXL math—B.7 Convert from Expanded Form—G.3 Multiplication Facts for […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are working on big numbers and powers to ten in our classroom this week. Please remember to take a look at our homework to see what we are working on. ELA: -Writing: We are continuing our writing. We are meeting with our partners to share our essays and asking […]