HOMEWORK Fluency – Please read the fluency passage and answer the questions on the back. This should be completed over the course of 4 days. Reading Log – Please read a minimum of 20 minutes daily with the goal of having read 100 minutes for the week. Please have your child write the title(s) of […]
Third grade families, I am so excited to meet with you all this week and next. If you have not yet responded with a day and time slot that works with your schedule, please do so when you have the chance! Important Dates Monday, 10/11: Art with Miss Nancy Tuesday, 10/12: Progress Reports & Family […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are working on Unit 2! This week we look at data collection. ELA: -Writing: We are continuing with our writing. We are working hard to develop our characters. -Reading: We are continuing with our reading lessons. Remember to keep up with our Reading Response Journals! If you have any […]
HOMEWORK Fluency – Please read the fluency passage and answer the questions on the back. This should be completed over the course of 4 days. Reading Log – Please read a minimum of 20 minutes daily with the goal of having read 100 minutes for the week. Please have your child write the title(s) of […]
First Grade Families- Yesterday, we had wonderful picnic during lunchtime. We laughed, talked and enjoyed the wonderful sun. The kids earned the picnic with the hard work of demonstrating they are listening to each other, being honest, ready to learn, and using kind words and actions. We will be having another surprise very soon since […]
Third grade families, Happy October! Important Dates Monday, 10/4: Art with Miss Nancy! Wednesday, 10/6: $1 Free Dress- all proceeds go to ACTION AGAINST HUNGER! Friday, 10/8: Picture re-take day! Friday, 10/8: 2p dismissal Weekly Homework (due 10/12) IXL math:—C.1: Add Two Numbers Up to Three Digits—D.7: Subtraction Patterns Over Increasing Place Values Fluency 100 […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are beginning Unit 2! This week we are looking at place value. ELA: -Writing: We are continuing with our writing lessons as we create our story arcs and begin to write our first drafts. -Reading: We are continuing with our reading lessons. Remember to keep up with our Reading Response […]
This week in Kindergarten Events: Free Dress (non-uniform) on Wednesday help us support “Action Against Hunger” Please send in $$$ Friday morning will be Picture Retake Day. For students absent September 8th. (more info check our website) Friday is a 2p dismissal. Academics: Religion – we have been learning the importance of quiet and listening […]
The 8th Grade Leaders select Wednesday, October 6 for a free dress day for all students and staff as they ask for at least a $1 donation for ACTION AGAINST HUNGER. https://www.actionagainsthunger.org/ The 8th Grade Leaders meet, discuss, and plan for various events each month including School Family activities, Assemblies, service projects, and seasonal or […]
We are in our second week of our schedule which includes Study Hall, P.E. Art, and Library. Your child will be checking out two books from the library may be taken home or kept in class. Library books are checked out on Tuesday and due the following Tuesday. HOMEWORK Fluency – This should be completed […]