The 6th grade is studying the Old Testament in the Bible. We are learning the different sections and how to find book, chapter, and verse in both the Old and New Testament. Every morning we read from a daily prayer book and last week we read about God’s Creation in the book of Sirach which […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are wrapping up Unit 1-we will take our test on Wednesday! ELA: -Writing: We are continuing our realistic fiction writing by thinking about our character struggles. -Reading: We are continuing our reading lessons as we read intensely to grow ideas . Remember to keep up with our Reading Response […]
Third grade families, Happy Monday! We continue to work hard every day! As a reminder, there is no hot lunch service this week. Important Dates Monday, 9/27: Art with Miss Nancy! Monday, 9/27 & Wednesday, 9/29: Study Hall Tuesday, 9/28 & Thursday, 9/30: PE Friday, 10/1: Noon Dismissal Weekly Homework (due 10/5) IXL math:—A.12: Multi-step […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Your children are doing fantastic in school! I enjoy how they are forming friendships as they do their best everyday. This week’s academics: Religion – Stories from the Children’s Bible. We have read about: Creation, Noah, and Jonah. This week we will cover how good God’s world is and being able to […]
We are wrapping up our first unit in our religion books. We have been discussing how we see God in the world around us – through creation, scriptures, Jesus, and in church. When God speaks to us he offers us eternal life. The “Key” to salvation is Jesus.
On Monday the 7th grade class went on a field trip to the Getty through Zoom. We were treated to three art experts who showed us amazing art work from thousands of years ago. We viewed an ancient mirror with Medusa decorations, a floor mosaic with Greek gods, and three sculptures featuring sirens. The students […]
Thank you for attending Back to School Night via Zoom. Here is what we will be learning this week in Second Grade. HOMEWORK Homework is assigned on a Tuesday and due the following Tuesday. Fluency – This should be completed over the course of 4 days. Reading Log – Please read a minimum of 20 […]
First Grade Families- It is so wonderful to see the students adjusting to our classroom routines and expectations. Last week, we began our library time. Students will begin checking out two books this week and are due every Tuesday. They are allowed to take them home but I do ask they keep them in their […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are working on Unit 1: Naming and Constructing Geometric Figures. This week we are working on parallelograms, polygons and constructing circles. We hope to take our first unit test next week. ELA: -Writing: We are working on our realistic fiction writing this week. We are gathering ideas and hope to […]
Third grade families, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. This week we continue to work hard as we add a few new things into our schedule–art with Miss Nancy & Word Work! Important Dates Monday, 9/20 & Wednesday, 9/15: Study Hall Tuesday, 9/21: PE Thursday, 9/23: NO PE Friday, 9/24: 2p dismissal Weekly […]