First Grade Families, We prepare to be on Zoom a little longer than expected. Ms. Benner sent out an email earlier today with a new start date. We were made aware of the new start date yesterday so I did not send home things this last Friday that may be needed for the next few […]
Hello- Happy New Year! The kids have had a great start to our week. I look forward to meeting with all of you this week for our conference on Zoom. Please contact Mrs. Hahn if you need to make any adjusting to your conference time. Homework Fluency Read 20 minutes a day Math IXL: O.2 […]
First Grade Families, It’s our last week together in 2020! I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We continue our 12 Days of Christmas activities planned by our 8th graders this week (Wed: 2:15, Thurs. 9:20). This Friday is a minimum day (11:45) and begin our Christmas Break. Homework: […]
First Grade Families, Hope the wind will settle for the rest of our week. We have fun activities planned by our 8th graders this week (Wed: 2:15, Thurs. 9:20). This Friday is minimum day with a 1:45 activity with families. Don’t forget to fill those paper bags with canned foods. There will be red bins […]
First Grade Families, I cannot believe it is DECEMBER!!!! We only have a few days left but we will continue with our academics with a little fun here and there as we prepare for Christmas! I am asking if you could please make sure your child has all their supplies in their backpack. I especially […]
First Grade Families, Last week, we had such a wonderful Saint’s parade. Thank you for the time you took to prepare their costume and having them do their report on Seesaw. I wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. Please make sure your child shares their Turkey art with you and also their writing (I […]
First Grade Families, The children are so excited about being a Saint this Friday. As in our prior Primary Email, students are to wear their school or P.E. uniform underneath their Saint costume. If you have any questions, please send me an email. Homework No IXL homework this week Practice new word sort (Test will […]
A tradition that goes back almost 40 years, we continue with adjustments! Our Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade students will dress as saints and parade around Biedermann Hall and our field on Friday morning, November 20. All while masked and maintaining proper social distancing! “Oh, When the Saints, Go Marching In!”
Hello- First Graders are excited about Saints’ Parade. Primary Teachers will be sending an email in the next few days with more information on the Saints Parade. HOMEWORK Reminder: Homework is from Tuesday to Tuesday. Reading Log: Please read 20 min. daily. Please remember NOT to click on the green checkmark until the due date […]
Hello- First Graders are working hard in all subjects. I have sent an email reminding all to save the date for Nov. 20th. Please read the Religion section carefully. Take a look at our week. HOMEWORK Reading Log: Please read 20 min. daily FLUENCY: This week I have asked the kids to record themselves reading […]