FIRST GRADE NEWSLETTER NOTE FROM MRS. VAZQUEZ: I cannot believe it is December! We have a busy month with our academics, Teddy Bear Donation Day, Primary Centers, Christmas Program, and preparing for Advent. HOMEWORK Fluency Homework Math IXL A,11, A.12 (number line) and R.3 Language IXL N.1 and S.1 Reading Log (Read Daily 20 min.) […]
FIRST GRADE NEWSLETTER NOTE FROM MRS. VAZQUEZ: I hope you all spent some time with your family and friends during Thanksgiving! We are happy to announce that we have a new addition to our first grade family, Camila. The kids have been so helpful and sweet in getting her adjusted to our routines. HOMEWORK Fluency […]
FIRST GRADE NEWSLETTER NOTE FROM MRS. VAZQUEZ: This will be a short week with Thanksgiving on Thursday. We do have an early dismissal on Wednesday with Mass in the morning. I hope you all enjoy making some wonderful memories on this Thanksgiving weekend. I am truly thankful for my students and families this year. Blessings! […]
On Friday, November 2nd, Sacred Heart School (SHS) had its annual Saints Parade presented by kindergarten, first and second grades. The parade is an annual tradition at Sacred Heart, as kindergarten through second grade students choose a saint. This year was just as incredible as all those before it. It started at the end of […]
FIRST GRADE NEWSLETTER NOTE FROM MRS. VAZQUEZ: Thank you for preparing your child for our Saint Day! The little angels did a FANTASTIC job! Please make sure to look below at the reminders. HOMEWORK Fluency Reading Log Math Worksheets to practice addition/subtraction Spelling: Study spelling! Test will be on Friday. Please check out to […]
FIRST GRADE NEWSLETTER NOTE FROM MRS. VAZQUEZ: I can’t believe we are ending our week in November. We will attend Mass at 8:30 a.m. on Friday followed by the saint presentations and parade as it is our celebration of All Saints day! I hope to see many of you on Friday. Remember to have a […]
FIRST GRADE NEWSLETTER NOTE FROM MRS. VAZQUEZ: SHARE DAY, DODGER DAY, and RASHEED the lion all in one week!!! Take a look below to find out more. HOMEWORK A little less homework this week, so we can enjoy a little baseball or family time. Fluency Homework only! NO Reading Log or IXL Read for […]
FIRST GRADE NEWSLETTER NOTE FROM MRS. VAZQUEZ: We had lots of changes happen in the classroom. I’m sure your child went home to talk about their desks being moved and a new location for our rug. The weather also brought some changes to our lips. Please send chap stick and extra water this week […]
FIRST GRADE NEWSLETTER NOTE FROM MRS. VAZQUEZ: We are having a great time in first grade. I believe their favorite subject right now is SCIENCE! Our goal this week is to fill our sparkler bucket. The surprise for this bucket will be “share day.” HOMEWORK Homework is always due on Tuesday. Reading Log 15+ min. […]
FIRST GRADE NEWSLETTER NOTE FROM MRS. VAZQUEZ: I can’t believe we are in October. The kids did great on their FIRST spelling test! You can take a peek at their test on Wednesday. HOMEWORK Homework is always due on Tuesday. Reminder, homework for the week is not given until Tuesday. Reading Log 15+ min. daily […]