Throughout the school year, Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade students enjoy Primary Centers on one of the Noon Dismissal Fridays each month. Our first is scheduled for Friday, October 3. Students from each grade are placed in groups of a single Kindergarten student, a first, and a second grade student. These groups are then divided […]
As the 7th grade finishes their study of the Roman Empire we learned about how the ancient city might have smelled. It turns out that even with the public baths the city did not smell very good. To help with that the Romans made scent satchels that they carried around with them. We used chamomile, […]
Dear Kindergarten families, Last week of September! We are learning about fall, apples, deciduous and evergreen trees. The Fruits of the Spirit, will continue to be our religion focus along with Old Testament stories. Language arts finds us learning letters/sounds. Math – number formation, patterns, addition with objects and shapes. Upcoming news Friday is a […]
The 8th grade class will be studying the upcoming Sunday gospels every week. To prepare for the discussions the class analyzed the four writers by looking at when, who, where, and what the image of Jesus was that the writers focused on. We hope to be inspired and act accordingly throughout the year by following […]
Third grade families, I hope you all had a fun, long weekend. We are hard at work in third grade! Important Dates Tuesday, September 26: Johnny Appleseed Day! We have some fun and yummy activities for this special day! Tuesday, September 26: Panda Express & Crumbl Cookies School Fundraiser! Please see Mrs. Benner’s email for […]
As The Class of 2024 continues to grow in their leadership roll, each week they lead a Friday morning prayer service to prepare our student body to attend Friday morning Mass together. At each prayer service, the Readings of the Day, The Gospel, Petitions, and some insights on the feast day or the readings are […]
Hello 4th Grade Families! Our week was short and sweet. Here’s an update of what we are currently learning in class! (Also, don’t forget to check out our podcast to hear from the students about our week! See link at end of post.) Important Dates: Our Learning: Homework: Just a reminder that homework has started […]
Dear Kindergarten families, This week homework begins! Check your child’s backpack for the green homework folder. Book Response form Kids A-Z information. Please go to app store if your child does not have kids a-z installed. When installed, note my teacher username cbrown608. Students icon and password are on card. Have your student listen/read a […]
Families of students in the intermediate grades, third, fourth, and fifth, are invited to return to campus on Tuesday at 5p to hear from Miss Poindexter, Ms Schmaeling, and Ms Carney as they share information about the school year. EDC closes by 5p on Back to School events to allow families to get students home […]
We are back on the schedule! Monday at 5p, Middle School families are asked to come to school to spend time in each of the MS classrooms. Mrs Clemmensen will be talking about 6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Religion and History classes. Mrs Rzasa will be talking about 6th, 7th, & 8th Grade English and […]